haha im no korean
im in the philippines.. cebu to be exact.. its really hot... HONG KONG, china was fun..
i have observed that most chinese people wear glasses.? why? and i have also observed that my eyes are always watery and its not that i dont get enough sleep! i believe the cause to this miraculous eye problem is POLLUTION!..and NO... you damn racist people its also not because us asians can see with our small eyes!... :O..
hong kong and china has there smell.Hong Kong smells like off noodles burnt in a wok.. and China smells like sweat mixed with pho.. really strange..but you will get used to it.. i guess, and i saw the segregation between china and hongkong. Its is separated with thick barb wire and a moat( is that wat it is. it like water- like a canal...)
OMG do i look chinese to you.. chinese people when they see things to you.. they speek chinese to me... usually foreigner gets english... not mee!..,i guess i look chinese..i hate it...
ANYWAYS in philippines!
its so hot!... actually the minute you get ou to f the shower, you start to sweat !... its annoying.. and you no when you leave food food to be specific... it will never go cold!... because the room temperture in the philz is like a mircowave... BLEH..
okay... one of my cool... filo hottie the following
DAVID- waiter- majestic, SM
OMG he so hot... he looks like jake Cuenca!(spelt it rong.. i no)
and will order everything.. if he is my waiter!
UNKNOWN..okay this hottie.. is DEF+ Mute!... but he is so hot... hu give a fuk if he is disabled... he is OMG... like seriously.... HUG ME!...>
people here they fuken text like crazy... i must say its super fun... and people dont even look at the fone.. they can muli task.... DRIVE AND TEXT. TALK AND TEXT. FIGHT AND TEXT... anyu of the following...a original filo can do..;)
im so bored... fuken hot... AIR-CON MUM!...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
HOLIDAY adventure
Posted by Adem at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hotel: Metropark Mongkok. Hong Kng!
the hotel rooms are just utterly small..and its suppose to be VIP.. its a shoebox... and the beds.. are the best.. well personally i like a bed where u don't sink in.. i like a bed where u can get a great posture,a hard bed.. thats what they have... i love it ,i just want to steal it!...the air in hong kong smell like.... like like like.. the crisp air of ... CHINA TOWN... !! hahaha.. its the morning there not much people.. but in the night.. far they dont fuken sleep!. Omg, the asian guys here are so different from the ones in sydney. i was actually really suprised!. Guys here wear BAGS like those country road bags girls wear.. like those!..its so FETCH haha, (genniveve''s skin) OMG in hong kong there is no houses.. its all high buldings with all these little rooms... OMG and its heaps filthy!... see photos on bebo on the sept 13th!
THE Markets!
One of many markets hong kong has is the LADIES MARKET... its super cool!. its on a long winding road. Hongkies trying to sell to foreigers like me, my mum would not stand a chance with the given price SHE HAS TO HAGGLE!..well you kind of, do because they will rip you off badly!... like the first time i walkin on to the road this lady selling clothing! and i was looking at these paul frank boy legs and they were really cute but not cute enough that i wanted it. (haha cheapo)..and she told me it was 3 for 100.. but i was like nehhh... and so she goes : okay okay okay 4 for $100. i was like i dont WANT IT okay! so she like okay okay 5 for 100. i was bleh no.. i dont fuken want it, and i walked away!... its really fun haggling in the markets.. i dont like to do it... so i tell my mum to do it.. she will go as low as she can!.
MTR(hong kong underground trains)..
These trains look so cool....( check my bebo if you want to see them.. but they are no up yet.. maybe wen i get bak!..from phils.!) They are super fast and SUPER LONG.! and many many people can fit in one MTR!.. haha its really cool. You know how in sydney you have to buy a train in hong kong you purchase wat they call an octapus card. where u put credit and you use it like a key card..(scanny thing ) and when you want ride you just scan! its heaps cool, this OCTAPUS Card can be used for buses aswell...
ShenZhen China!
It was a long ride from mong kok to lu 45 mins. also your standing because there is SSOOOO Many people .. kills the legs. Okay we had to go through costoms when crossing to china!. OMG hong kong and china is segregated by a moat(water) with BARB WIRE.. thats how strict china is ! and in the station they have these werid signs saying "no lingering, No waiting, No photo!".... anyways shoppping in china is the okay but u lose your moiney immediately because if you want geta great price you have to buy heaps and haggle ther lot and they will give u a kiss ass price!.. When we were heading to the shopping centre which we were having great difficulty because people in china ar hopeless in english!. a guy (20) named jimmy comes up to us saying "like gucci bags?.. i give u very cheap price..come come come... "and we dont no where the shopping place is so we were like OKAY lead us!...he lead us to a dark shopping mall.. we were scared as.! but it wasnt wat where thinking of it was the actual mall we just came tooo early.. hahahhahahahahahhahah.. so funny.. this dude was so funny when i was sitting there waiting fro my mum.. he would randomly stare and wave with a cheerful smile.!.. He would show us all the good places to buy... but really the only place he showed us was the all his friends.. what he is is a Walker.. they show foreigners shops and tell them öh yeh this is a great place"but really the shop people pay them for giving them customers!... hhaha.. he was really funny.. man i wish i was chinese buying things is so much cheaper.! hahahaha, omg its was so funny we were in the shop buying shoes...and my mum was thirsty and this guy(looks like stan- cousins brother in law) the owner of the store sed "just give money to jimmy coz its cheaper, for you not cheap"!.. ( full chinese accent!) hahaha that was soo funny..
farout chinese people are rude they do not say excuse me or sorry (when u bump into them) or anything!... FUKEN ASS SUCKER!
well im gonna go now.. its not cheap being on the internet ... in the hotel.. $20(hkd) for half an hour!...
i'm gonna post more of my adventures... later on!
BYE...Adem xoxo!...
p.s please leave a comment!
Posted by Adem at 2:26 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
KOREAN movies
These holidays i have been really into watching korean movies/ dramas... online
i go to my sisters house becoz they have unlimited.. but i think watching these movies kill the net really bad.. like i have watched like 7 movies... LIKE OMG...
im quite obcessive i can stop.. i go searching when i am bored, and i then when i have found a decent one to watch, i immediately watch it. i cant help it.!
the first one i watched in the holidays was MAWANG... or" THE LUCIFIER"(english)... its really not my cup of tea(lol).. its like a 16-hour NCIS... very mysterious. I only watched because one of the main characters is JOO Ji Hoon, a sexy actor from Princess Hours.. OMG i love that drama.
Anyways.. i watched this Filo movie lastnight. Like i searched on "korean love movies"(dude i was bored.) and this movie came up " Can this Be Love" its a set in Philippines, where the two protagonists are Ryan( Hero Angeles) and Daisy.( Sandara Park) Ryan and Daisy are just among the many students in the University Belt. Ryan is a part-time typist of term papers, while Daisy is a Korean who studies here in the Philippines.
Ryan encounters what he thinks is the worst term paper ever written. At that same day, he also comes across a cellphone ad. He contacts the person selling the phone and eventually became friends with her. Then he discovers that the girl he is talkin with on the phone and the owner of the term paper is one and the same- the Korean girl! Ryan and Daisy develop an instant irritation towards each other. The cultural differences and the language barrier add to their frustation. But since they have also developed a friendship through their text messages before they met, both decide to give love a chance.
This movie shows bits of Comedy. Daisy can understand tagalog but u have to say it slowly. I dont no why filo hate korean at philippines. They all go crazy at them and tell them to go home. which is heaps mean. Like this bitch at their school. When ever Daisy walks pass her group she full goes starts talking loudly and saying she ugly and that she should go back home. Which is HEAPS mean.. MAN i can see theres alot of koreans in the philippines, cant wait until i go there.
i like koreans. They are really interesting. How they act & talk etc. haha..
When i go to the philippines this August im gonna go searching for korean movies. BUT my cousin sed all the good ones are pirated and its illegal to bring them to australia... im sad... im going to find a way.:) hahah
NOw im learning how to speak Tagalog.. which is hard. coz its not the same as Bisaya( another filo language) i bought a Tagalog phrasebook $13.95 in borders. quite pricey but the other ones are like $38+... so im like "no ways!". What i really want is a korean phrasebook.
i only know a little like HELLO " annyeonghasayo" yes-"NE, no-"annyo"..
i think your stupid is " i baboya" that wat i hear in the movies. and dramas. =)
okay then.. im gonna go and watch T.V...BYE or " annyeonghisyo" ? i think maybe im rong. ;)
Posted by Adem at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
html codes
HI!, im trying out some codes. geek much?
hahaha, i like theses
Posted by Adem at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
FARK.. im bored!..
im at skoooll
so bored...
marilyn oliver is a werid,,
ill bite u!!... hahahahahahahahahaha
no im not !!
love marilyn heaps!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
i promise her not to write anything weird::D
but ,, u no later i will!!:D
Posted by Adem at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
i hate skool.
i wanna go on all saints..!!.
mt carmel need more asians!... doing tennis.. its such a bludge...
all u do is sit in the shelter!.. haha
well today i watched happy tree house friends and friends!.. they are cute lil animals, but then u discover they are lil clumsy.. nasty losers... like the first one i watched(out of shauns fone!) , this lil dude gets his eyeball out of it socket and some how.( i forget) it ends up getting tied up to a tall tree, and this tree is on the edge of a cliff. well he climbs up the tall tree using as his eye vein as a rope!! when he gets there his eyeball gets pecked harshly by a bird.! haha... i forget wat happens next.. but yeh.. it so funny!... however it is seriously brutal...and high disgusting! i cant believe shaun enjoys watching these things!..:S !
im going to and listen to my asian music.. wakekekkek!..hah
Posted by Adem at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
well im slowly getting over t.o.p. but i cant watch a movie unless it is korean,,,lol
i can write in korean... some words!
welll im fuken bored.. holidays are shit. as!
im wanna go to chapz. and get Gatsby... now that korea is "in" japan is not very popualar ~hah
><" slowly going crazy!><"
Listen to: Pabo- big bang.~
omg. we belong together- big bang- play count .. 118 times!":D
Posted by Adem at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Obcessing over T.O.P
Yabasaeyo!!(hello, korean!)
Omg, i just downloaded and stole the video of big bang called " Goodbye Baby" its so cool.. im addicted to watching it, and it usually on repeat., Choi Seung Hyun aka T.O.P formally called Tempo is so cute ><", i watched the big bang version of Coffee prince and you should see top,, hes so gay in it. The remake has all the things a typical korean series would, like the music in romantic and sad parts, also when they have a fight they fully show the whole refection time with of course the sad music. so funny...
Watch it , it's hilarious ~
I want longer eyelashes, as much i put mascara on you wouldnt see a little bit of it, when i go to philippines, i`ll maybe get extentions.. people in phils are obcessed with there eyelashes, i saw it on "K rated" ( in TFC ) they full have a wide variety of eyelashes, like matalic, glittery etc! I hate my eyeliner!!... it always smudges off, you know i have noticed that it is easier to apply eyeliner if you tilt your head,, like if applying on the left eye~> tilt left!...
I was reading something on the net about Asian and their make up,,
~It open your eyes more if you only put eyeliner on the bottom half way, and don't forget at the top,, pencil it as close as you can to you eyelashes, don't forget the mascara, no doubt that mascara opens you eyes.!
~Use an Illuminator or Sparkling white eyeshadow(if your using this make sure you don't put too much, also remember to blend!), dab some on you eyebrow bone and the area of the side of your eyes, apply it from the cheek bone up to the brow bone, this also opens eyes!!.
One thing about make up,, if you go all out on your eyes keep other features like your lips as simple as possible, if you don't you may look like one of those crazy clowns, !!.. eek!
Well I'm going to listen to big bang..
Saranghae Forever !!.
Adem xox!
Posted by Adem at 1:15 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Im Adem... pronounced~ Ae-Dem... u have to say the letter A!!...
I hate it, when new teachers.. or just utterly stupid retards who don't no how to read.. but i guess australian people pronounced the "A" as "ah"....i guess i shouldn't blame them.!
Kevin my friend actually introduced me into blogging, like i have heard of blogging, but i didnt really know how it operates.Well the holidays is finally here and i`m being waiting for it for a long long time,stupid thing is im already bored... lost dont no what to do for the next two weeks.. but a must-do is go to capz!... capitol square, total asian hangout. It consist of Japanese, korean, etc photo booths, usually for the asian lovoes, i actually feel sorry for the other races, hu like photo booths because the booth doesnt have english on them, they are all asian. Decorating your fotos are fun.
I went to mac square yesterday and i must say,,, i hate style of high waisted jeans.. like it so try hard 70's , like gawd. why the helll would you wear those, its like purposly giving your self a cameltoe, jezz fashion is crazy these days.
At the moment im actually obsessing over KOREAN things.. like music, movies even FASHION... it not that bad actually, the music is pretty good, i like K-pop or korean hip hop and rnb. i don't understand,, but he sound of them is pretty funky and if you get the lyrics translated its like WOAH...
Some artist and groups im into is
*Big bang,
omg T.O.P is sexc.. and Gd(g-dragon)..Seung Ri and Dae Sang is baby cute,, and Tae Yang is just cute.
*TVXQ (also known as DBSK dong bang shin ki)
my friend gen and daphne like Hero Jae Joong,, he remind me of the characters in Final Fantasy so anime looking, My personal favourite is U- Know.. he so kawaii!..>< * Bi rain
Roxxi told me bout him, he is cute and hes songs are so heartfelt.. and quite funky..
today is my dad and uncles birthday party.
it is filled with old people. and im fucken bored,,, so apologize if this blog is getting big~
Well i think this is enough,,, for today..
Saranghae Forever! baby
Posted by Adem at 11:01 PM 2 comments