i hate skool.
i wanna go on all saints..!!.
mt carmel need more asians!...
....im doing tennis.. its such a bludge...
all u do is sit in the shelter!.. haha
well today i watched happy tree house friends and friends!.. they are cute lil animals, but then u discover they are lil clumsy.. nasty losers... like the first one i watched(out of shauns fone!) , this lil dude gets his eyeball out of it socket and some how.( i forget) it ends up getting tied up to a tall tree, and this tree is on the edge of a cliff. well he climbs up the tall tree using as his eye vein as a rope!! when he gets there his eyeball gets pecked harshly by a bird.! haha... i forget wat happens next.. but yeh.. it so funny!... however it is seriously brutal...and high disgusting! i cant believe shaun enjoys watching these things!..:S !
im going to and listen to my asian music.. wakekekkek!..hah
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by Adem at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
well im slowly getting over t.o.p. but i cant watch a movie unless it is korean,,,lol
i can write in korean... some words!
welll im fuken bored.. holidays are shit. as!
im wanna go to chapz. and get Gatsby... now that korea is "in" japan is not very popualar ~hah
><" slowly going crazy!><"
Listen to: Pabo- big bang.~
omg. we belong together- big bang- play count .. 118 times!":D
Posted by Adem at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Obcessing over T.O.P
Yabasaeyo!!(hello, korean!)
Omg, i just downloaded and stole the video of big bang called " Goodbye Baby" its so cool.. im addicted to watching it, and it usually on repeat., Choi Seung Hyun aka T.O.P formally called Tempo is so cute ><", i watched the big bang version of Coffee prince and you should see top,, hes so gay in it. The remake has all the things a typical korean series would, like the music in romantic and sad parts, also when they have a fight they fully show the whole refection time with of course the sad music. so funny...
Watch it , it's hilarious ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuVAIRCDd64
I want longer eyelashes, as much i put mascara on you wouldnt see a little bit of it, when i go to philippines, i`ll maybe get extentions.. people in phils are obcessed with there eyelashes, i saw it on "K rated" ( in TFC ) they full have a wide variety of eyelashes, like matalic, glittery etc! I hate my eyeliner!!... it always smudges off, you know i have noticed that it is easier to apply eyeliner if you tilt your head,, like if applying on the left eye~> tilt left!...
I was reading something on the net about Asian and their make up,,
~It open your eyes more if you only put eyeliner on the bottom half way, and don't forget at the top,, pencil it as close as you can to you eyelashes, don't forget the mascara, no doubt that mascara opens you eyes.!
~Use an Illuminator or Sparkling white eyeshadow(if your using this make sure you don't put too much, also remember to blend!), dab some on you eyebrow bone and the area of the side of your eyes, apply it from the cheek bone up to the brow bone, this also opens eyes!!.
One thing about make up,, if you go all out on your eyes keep other features like your lips as simple as possible, if you don't you may look like one of those crazy clowns, !!.. eek!
Well I'm going to listen to big bang..
Saranghae Forever !!.
Adem xox!
Posted by Adem at 1:15 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Im Adem... pronounced~ Ae-Dem... u have to say the letter A!!...
I hate it, when new teachers.. or just utterly stupid retards who don't no how to read.. but i guess australian people pronounced the "A" as "ah"....i guess i shouldn't blame them.!
Kevin my friend actually introduced me into blogging, like i have heard of blogging, but i didnt really know how it operates.Well the holidays is finally here and i`m being waiting for it for a long long time,stupid thing is im already bored... lost dont no what to do for the next two weeks.. but a must-do is go to capz!... capitol square, total asian hangout. It consist of Japanese, korean, etc photo booths, usually for the asian lovoes, i actually feel sorry for the other races, hu like photo booths because the booth doesnt have english on them, they are all asian. Decorating your fotos are fun.
I went to mac square yesterday and i must say,,, i hate style of high waisted jeans.. like it so try hard 70's , like gawd. why the helll would you wear those, its like purposly giving your self a cameltoe, jezz fashion is crazy these days.
At the moment im actually obsessing over KOREAN things.. like music, movies even FASHION... it not that bad actually, the music is pretty good, i like K-pop or korean hip hop and rnb. i don't understand,, but he sound of them is pretty funky and if you get the lyrics translated its like WOAH...
Some artist and groups im into is
*Big bang,
omg T.O.P is sexc.. and Gd(g-dragon)..Seung Ri and Dae Sang is baby cute,, and Tae Yang is just cute.
*TVXQ (also known as DBSK dong bang shin ki)
my friend gen and daphne like Hero Jae Joong,, he remind me of the characters in Final Fantasy so anime looking, My personal favourite is U- Know.. he so kawaii!..>< * Bi rain
Roxxi told me bout him, he is cute and hes songs are so heartfelt.. and quite funky..
today is my dad and uncles birthday party.
it is filled with old people. and im fucken bored,,, so apologize if this blog is getting big~
Well i think this is enough,,, for today..
Saranghae Forever! baby
Posted by Adem at 11:01 PM 2 comments